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Individual mental health support for family & friends of individuals with chronic mental health conditions in Chicago and throughout Illinois.

Have you reached a place where you are burnt out and no longer know how to best support your loved one?

Are you up all night worrying about when the other shoe is going to drop? Wondering if this cycle will ever stop?

Maybe you’re a parent whose child has experienced multiple hospitalizations and are not quite sure where to go next.

You crave balance and stability in your life, just as much as you want the same for them. You want to feel less resentment and more love and understanding. You don't want their mental health diagnosis to rule so strongly anymore. 


They are more than their condition and you crave a relationship with them that goes beyond being their caregiver. You want to be their daughter again, their parent, their partner. 


You too deserve to take up space. Your thoughts, emotions, grievances, and longings are meant to be heard and you don't have to silence your struggles any longer.


I support family members in learning ways to take care of themselves just as much as they take care of the ones around them, ultimately leading to lasting change within the family unit as a whole. You’re worth it. You’ve been doing this alone for too long. Let’s work together to get you what you need. 

Being involved in a loved one's mental health care comes with its unique set of responsibilities that at times feels like a lonely, exhaustive role. A role you didn't ask for and a role you didn't know would one day consume so much of your time and energy.


Whether it's the phone calls to different providers or advocating for better mental healthcare in a system that feels defeating at times, you’ve seen it all. You love your family member dearly and you just want what is best for them. 


Interested In Working With Me?

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